Friday, 28 March 2025
Let’s go for my web review for the week 2025-13.
OpenAI’s Studio Ghibli meme factory is an insult to art itself
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, politics, culture, art, copyright
Sure, a filter which turns pictures into something with the Ghibli style looks cute. But make no mistake, it has utter political motives. They need a distraction from their problems and it’s yet another way to breach a boundary. Unfortunately I expect people will comply and use the feature with enthusiasm…
Trapping misbehaving bots in an AI Labyrinth
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, security
When a big player has to prepare a labyrinth of AI generated content to trap bots used to feed generative AI learning pipelines… something feels wrong.
Improved ways to operate a rude crawler
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, copilot, satire
Don’t underestimate how much of a skill making a stupid crawler can be…
Proof of work reverse proxy to protect against scrapers
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, gpt, copilot, security
And yet another reverse proxy to use as a scraper deterrent… It looks like several are popping every week lately.
Exploring Generative AI - The role of developer skills in agentic coding
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, copilot, ide, tools, programming
Again that confirms that all the hype and grand announcements are not deserved. It also gives a good idea of the skills which are required to use those tools, clearly the setup process is involved if you want to don’t want to be overwhelmed and drowning in bad code.
Scallop, a Language for Neurosymbolic Programming
Tags: tech, ai, machine-learning, neural-networks, logic, prolog
This is definitely an interesting declarative language. Looking forward to more such neurosymbolic approaches.
Servo vs Ladybird
Tags: tech, web, browser, foss
A good look at both incumbents in the web browser engine space. Still quite some way to go but the results are interesting already.
REST in Peace? Django’s Framework Problem
Tags: tech, python, django, rest, sustainability, community
There’s a sustainability issue for the REST support with Django. Hopefully this will resolve.
git-who: Git blame for file trees
Tags: tech, version-control, git, tools
Looks like a neat little tool to explore git repositories.
Quadlet: Running Podman containers under systemd
Tags: tech, tools, containers, podman, systemd
Looks like a nice way to orchestrate rootless podman containers.
Closing the chapter on OpenH264 – Pixels
Tags: tech, video, codec, patents, foss
Or why software patents can get in the way… You can work around them somehow, but that quickly leads to shipping binaries you can’t properly check.
Things that go wrong with disk IO
Tags: tech, io, storage, filesystem, databases
A reminder that writing on disks is a longer process than you could suspect. Many things can go wrong on that chain.
C++/Rust Interoperability Problem Statement
Tags: tech, rust, c++, interoperability
Looks like there’s movement at the Rust Foundation level to have better C++ and Rust interoperability. We’ll see what comes to fruition, this could be interesting. It’s needed for sure.
Use the rr debugger without HW performance counters !
Tags: tech, debugging, tools
Interesting fork of rr to have time travel debugging with software counters. Hopefully will allow using rr in environments where it’s limited by lack of access to hardware performance counters.
Postel’s Law and the Three Ring Circus
Tags: tech, foss, protocols, design, standard
Nice post about the practical impacts of Postel’s law. It’s especially problematic in the case of Open Source software. Companies producing proprietary software even use that to their advantage.
War story: the hardest bug I ever debugged
Tags: tech, debugging, web, browser, google
Interesting story… when you end up turning to v8 having a bug in the field, you’re really in trouble.
Why developers question everything - Tim Hårek
Tags: tech, craftsmanship, programming, estimates, risk, complexity
Or why analogies with physical work don’t work…
Sun Tzu wouldn’t like the cybersecurity industry
Tags: tech, security
It’s better if you prepare your security policies properly…
The Worst Programmer I Know
Tags: tech, team, productivity
Trying to measure individual productivity is definitely a trap. You’d better not try, otherwise you’ll have wrong behaviors or you’ll punish the wrong persons.
How to Write Blog Posts that Developers Read
Tags: tech, blog, writing
A bit cynical at times, but shows tricks to improve the writing and style of blog posts. If I ever find the time to write something sizeable again I guess I’ll try some of them.
Teach to Learn: Why Sharing What You Know Makes You Smarter
Tags: teaching, learning
I like this attitude obviously… Go out and teach! Share what you learn!
Post Apocalyptic Computing
Tags: tech, low-tech, history, reliability
Interesting rambling and exploration. What would a computer built to last a century look like?
Bye for now!